Dr. Finnerty is a Psychologist Consulting on STD & LTD Disability Insurance Claims

Dr. Todd Finnerty is a psychologist based in Columbus, Ohio (and maintains this website). I, Dr. Finnerty, perform independent medical examinations related to short-term and long-term disability claims as well as similar referrals related to functional impairment and disability. I am also a medical file review consultant and enjoy performing medical records reviews related to short-term and long-term disability insurance claims.

How do I get medical records to Dr. Finnerty?

You won't have to print out paper records to send me or mail a CD or flash drive if you don't want to. I offer HIPAA-compliant online file-sharing solutions. You can also exchange encrypted emails with me without needing to set up encrypted email yourself. Learn more about that here. If your company has a VPN or similar solutions for secure file access I am happy to use them.

What are your fees like?

I can charge my hourly rate or we can negotiate fixed case rates ahead of time.

What is your background in relation to disability file reviews (and IME's)?

I am not currently engaged in any significant amount of direct patient care though have in the past. Starting in 2004 I worked as an in-house consultant on Social Security disability applications for Ohio's Disability Determination Service. I have reviewed tens of thousands of disability claims over that time period. I am not doing as much of this at this time due to my private consulting with Veterans and others on their disability claims. In addition, I'm available for IME's on disability insurance claims and I regularly perform impairment-related Independent Medical Examinations for the Ohio Industrial Commission.

I have also performed hundreds of STD and LTD medical peer reviews on disability claims through companies like Professional Disability Associates (now Brown & Brown Absence Services Group). I also work with attorneys and others to offer independent file reviews on disability as well as personal injury matters.

What types of services do you offer in relation to disability claims?

I am available to consult on a wide range of disability-related cases ranging from referrals from large disability insurance companies to small legal practices representing claimants who have filed lawsuits against disability insurance companies (ex: in ERISA-related disability cases). Feel free to discuss your needs and questions with me prior to sending a referral. My services include:
  • Medical records review on disability cases
  • Independent Medical Examinations for disability cases

Can you tell me more about how you approach a claim?

I've been performing records review work since 2004. I am comfortable offering definitive opinions rather than wishy-washy statements. I don't say if something probably or likely or may have been, I offer a firm conclusion based on my review. I also don't go on tangents or offer irrelevant or speculative opinions. My opinions relate directly to the referral questions I'm given and I back those opinions up with the evidence in the file. I try to be specific whenever possible and avoid vague or confusing language. I try to offer opinions which are readable and understandable to people who aren't psychologists. I address all of the opinions in the file; I do not cherry-pick evidence that supports my conclusions without addressing conflicting evidence or opinions.

I am a psychologist and expert related to disability claims. I will review any policy definitions and job descriptions as well as other specific evidence you provide. I can also bring my knowledge of multiple systems and perspectives on disability when considering functional impairment. I will consider the appropriate system(s), contracts and policies for the specific referral questions and programs I'm consulting for. For example, some resources include (with each having their pros and cons and limited applicability):

Are your evaluations really independent if a specific person or organization is paying for it?

Yes, Dr. Finnerty's goal is to offer an independent opinion. Dr. Finnerty works for himself and has multiple streams of income. He is not reliant on any one referral source. Dr. Finnerty does his best to act ethically and within relevant professional guidelines. For example, the Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychology Guideline 1.02 notes forensic practitioners "strive for accuracy, impartiality, fairness, and independence." It notes "forensic practitioners recognize the adversarial nature of the legal system and strive to treat all participants and weigh all data, opinions, and rival hypotheses impartially. When conducting forensic examinations, forensic practitioners strive to be unbiased and impartial, and avoid partisan presentation of unrepresentative, incomplete, or inaccurate evidence that might mislead finders of fact." Dr. Finnerty's practices are also consistent with the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

Is Dr. Finnerty dependent on large payouts from disability insurance companies and/or attorneys involved in workers' compensation claims?

No, Dr. Finnerty is not. Sometimes individuals/organizations are concerned about potential bias due to a professional obtaining a significant percentage of their income from a specific company or referral source (such as attorneys for injured workers or attorneys for employers involved in workers' compensation claims). However, Dr. Finnerty's income is not primarily related to IME's or records reviews for disability insurance companies. Dr. Finnerty also does not charge exorbitant rates for examinations.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have or to schedule a records review or an examination.

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